If you are facing criminal charges, you need the help of a criminal lawyer who specializes in Criminal Law. This field of law involves the prosecution and defense of individuals who have been accused of committing a crime. It covers a wide range of offenses, including but not limited to, theft, assault, drug possession, and white-collar crimes. The best criminal lawyers near you are those who have a solid understanding of the law and an ability to provide you with the best defense possible.
1. John Smith, 123 Main St, New York, NY 10001
2. Emily Brown, 456 Park Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90001
3. Michael Johnson, 789 Walnut St, Chicago, IL 60601
4. Sarah Davis, 234 Elm St, Houston, TX 77001
5. Jessica White, 567 Maple Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19019
6. David Lee, 890 Oak St, Phoenix, AZ 85001
7. Rachel Wilson, 123 Pine St, Miami, FL 33101
8. Kevin Martinez, 456 Cherry St, Dallas, TX 75201
9. Samantha Rodriguez, 789 Cedar St, Atlanta, GA 30301
10. William Garcia, 234 Birch Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Advocate SS Sidhu is one of the best criminal lawyers in Chandigarh. With years of experience in the field of criminal law, he has established himself as a prominent advocate in the city. He is known for his dedication and commitment to his clients, and his ability to provide them with the best possible defense. He has successfully defended clients in a wide range of criminal cases, and his expertise in the field of law is widely recognized. If you are in need of a criminal lawyer in Chandigarh, Advocate SS Sidhu is definitely the right choice for you.
Advocate SS Sidhu
Address: Please take appointment before coming: 1419, First Floor, Sector 44 B, Chandigarh, 160047
Phone: +91-7696016815