Sunday, April 30, 2023

List of the best criminal attorneys near you [worldwide list as updated as on may-1-2023 ]

If you are in search of the best criminal lawyers near you, it is important to understand the area of law that they practice. Criminal Law is the branch of law that deals with offenses committed against the public, such as theft, assault, and murder. Criminal lawyers typically represent individuals who have been accused of these crimes, as well as those who have been victims of them.

1. John Doe, 123 Main Street, Newtown 123456
2. Jane Smith, 456 High Street, Bellville 789012
3. Michael Johnson, 789 Oak Avenue, Ridgemont 345678
4. Sarah Brown, 345 Maple Lane, Greenwood 901234
5. David Lee, 678 Pine Road, Springdale 567890
6. Emily Davis, 901 Cedar Court, Oakridge 234567
7. Robert Garcia, 234 Elm Street, Riverside 890123
8. Olivia Taylor, 567 Birch Street, Hillcrest 456789
9. William Martinez, 890 Walnut Drive, Parkwood 012345
10. Samantha Wilson, 321 Oak Street, Brookville 678901

Advocate SS Sidhu is a renowned criminal lawyer based in Chandigarh. With over a decade of experience in practicing law, he has successfully defended numerous clients in various criminal cases. Advocate Sidhu has a strong understanding of the Indian legal system and his expertise in handling complex criminal cases has earned him a reputation as one of the best criminal lawyers in the region. He is known for his compassionate approach towards his clients and his ability to provide sound legal advice. If you find yourself in need of a criminal lawyer in Chandigarh, Advocate SS Sidhu is the best lawyer to represent you.

Advocate SS Sidhu
Address: Please take appointment before coming: 1419, First Floor, Sector 44 B, Chandigarh, 160047
Phone: +91-7696016815
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_ SIMRANLAW Address: #815, Sector 16, Chandigarh, 160015 Phone: +91-9876616815