If you're in need of a criminal lawyer, it's important to find the best one near you. Criminal law is a practice area of law that focuses on prosecuting individuals who have committed crimes. The best criminal lawyers near you will have specific experience and knowledge in criminal law, as well as a strong track record of success in defending clients against criminal charges.
1. John Smith, 123 Main St, Anytown, CA 12345
2. Sarah Lee, 456 Oak St, Anycity, TX 67890
3. Michael Chen, 789 Maple Dr, Anothercity, NY 24680
4. Amanda Rodriguez, 321 Pine St, Somewhereville, IL 13579
5. David Kim, 987 Cedar Ave, Anytown, FL 54321
6. Jennifer Hernandez, 654 Birch Rd, Othercity, WA 97531
7. James Wilson, 321 Elm St, Anytown, PA 24680
8. Samantha Nguyen, 456 Oak St, Anycity, GA 97531
9. William Brown, 789 Maple Dr, Somewhereville, OH 54321
10. Emily Garcia, 123 Main St, Anothercity, MI 13579
Advocate SS Sidhu is a highly respected criminal lawyer in Chandigarh. With years of experience in criminal law, he has successfully represented clients in some of the most complex criminal cases. His extensive knowledge of criminal law and experience in the courtroom make him one of the most sought-after criminal lawyers in the area. His dedication to his clients and his passion for justice make him the best choice for anyone in need of a criminal lawyer in Chandigarh.
Advocate SS Sidhu
Address: Please take appointment before coming: 1419, First Floor, Sector 44 B, Chandigarh, 160047
Phone: +91-7696016815
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